Jigsaw Conversation

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Be part of the Jigsaw Conversation!

In 2021, we launched Jigsaw Conversation where we asked our residents to share their views and experiences about themselves, their homes and the areas they live in. Along with the views of other key stakeholders, this has helped to shape our priorities for the next few years.

We want to update residents on our progress so far and check in on whether the original priorities match with what residents are currently concerned about. To do this we will be adding a new video to this page every couple of weeks and each video will provide updates from one of our business areas.

You can simply watch the videos on their own if you just want to  hear the update, or for each video there will be a short consultation where you can feedback your views via Jigsaw Rewards.

Shaping Our Priorities Through Your Views and Experiences

Your home, your community, and your experiences matter to us. At Jigsaw Group, we believe that to truly serve you better, we must listen to your voice and understand your needs. That’s why we’re committed to hearing your views and experiences, ensuring our efforts and resources are directed where they matter most – towards you and your community.

Why Your Input Matters

  • Informed Decision-Making: Your insights provide invaluable information that helps us make well-informed decisions. By understanding your experiences, we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.
  • Community Building: We aim to create thriving, supportive communities. Your feedback helps us identify areas that require attention and improvement, making your neighbourhood a better place to live.
  • Resource Allocation: Your views guide us in allocating our resources efficiently. This ensures that we invest where it makes the most impact, maximising the benefits for you and your community.

How You Can Share Your Views and Experiences
You can complete online surveys through Jigsaw Rewards. It is quick and simple to register and provides an exciting opportunity for Jigsaw residents to give us regular feedback on our services and plans for the future. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for gift vouchers or credits on your rent account.

What We Do With Your Feedback
Your views and experiences are not just collected, they are also acted upon. Here’s how:

  • Prioritisation: We assess your feedback and prioritise areas that need attention. This ensures our efforts are aligned with your needs.
  • Improvement Initiatives: We initiate projects and programs based on your feedback to enhance your living experience and the overall community.
  • Accountability: Your input holds us accountable. We track our progress and report back to you, demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement.

Your Voice, Our Commitment
We’re dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for you and your community. Your views and experiences serve as the compass guiding our efforts. Together, we can create a better living environment that reflects your aspirations and needs. Join us in this journey of shaping a brighter future for your home and community.

Your voice matters, and your experiences are invaluable. Together, we can make a real difference.

Join Jigsaw Rewards today!

Jigsaw Rewards is an exciting opportunity for Jigsaw Group residents to give us regular feedback on our services and plans for the future. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for gift vouchers or credits on your rent account.

Login or sign up here: rewards.jigsawhomes.org.uk.

Latest Consultation Topic: Retro Fit & Sustainability

Our latest video and consultation is on the topic of: Retro Fit & Sustainability

Please Note: The consultation closes on 31/01/2024.
(You will be able to view the video after this date, but you will not be able to take part in the consultation for this topic.)

Previous Consultations

Development (December 2023)

Building Safety (November 2023)

Our Tenancy Offer (October 2023)

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