
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Welfare Reform

On Tuesday 30th October 2018, our Welfare Reform Scrutiny Panel met for the final time at our office in Ashton to look at the final recommendations for the report. Tenants came from across Tameside to meet together to share their views and agree the contents for the final report.

The final recommendations to be included were:

  1. Introduce a social media account dedicated to Welfare Reform support -possibly linked to T4T account so that it’s tenants supporting tenants, or a link to a national support forum.
  2. Personalised key information needed to submit a claim (Landlord name, weekly rent, weekly service charge, number of weeks rent is charged, tenancy start date) to be printed on the back of all rent statements and not just a one-off exercise.
  3. Personalised key information to assist in making a claim to be made available on the on line Customer Hub.
  4. Review the information on our website to include;
    – Information about Universal Credit
    – Links to DWP advice pages
    – Where to find help including support agencies who can help such as Welfare Rights
    – Case studies of other tenants who have been through the process and their top tips
    – Useful advice for tenants preparing to migrate to Universal Credit
    – What to do/ support available whilst you are waiting for your claim to be processed or if it is delayed
  5. Publish informative Facebook posts e.g. ”New Charter has spoken to a tenant who has migrated to UC; her top tips are….”

Our Chief Executives Department then worked on the final full report which can be accessed using the following link:-

Jigsaw Homes Group Welfare Reform Report 2019

If you would like the chance to become a member of a Scrutiny Panel, click here and join Jigsaw Rewards today!