
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel update

On Tuesday 30 July 2019 the Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel met at our office in Ashton for the second interim meeting on their scrutiny of ‘Connect: Lost Calls and Enquiries Resolved at First Contact.’

The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the interim report which has been produced by our Chief Executive’s department, following an investigation based on the detailed scope set out by the panel.

Discussions took place regarding the progress of the investigation so far and items for further investigation were split into two categories of recommendations and suggestions.

These items included incoming caller options, capturing ‘live’ feedback at the time of a call and benchmarking and accreditation.

A further investigation will now be carried out by our Chief Executive’s department and the final report will be compiled.

The Scrutiny Panel will meet again at the end of August to review the recommendations within the report and decide whether or not to approve them.