
You Said – We Did: Baby and Child First Aid Skills

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of our plans, helping us to make the changes needed to improve our neighbourhood services. We want to have on-going conversations to make sure that your needs are central to what we do. After all, it’s the people who use our services who know and can tell us how we can help make things better.

Through Jigsaw Rewards we have created a platform to allow residents to give us regular feedback on our services and plans for the future. In return for giving this feedback and answering surveys, members receive points which can be exchanged for gift vouchers or credits on your rent account.

We conducted a survey on a potential new and online course entitled ‘Baby and Child First Aid Skills’, designed to help individuals learn new skills and knowledge, or refresh existing first aid skills.

‘You said’

92% of our Jigsaw Rewards members who completed the survey thought that a Baby and Child First Aid training course would be beneficial to them or someone they know.

82% of our members who completed the survey said that they or someone they know would be interested in completing the hour long, free training course online.


‘We did’

The team contacted 83 residents to see if they would like to enrol on the course.

25 people enrolled onto the online platform and are currently working towards completing the course and gaining their certificate.


Michael (Rewards User) said: Thank you for the last few meetings, they were very enjoyable.”

We’re very grateful to everyone who took the time to share their experiences with us.

Your views have helped us to improve and refine our services to you.

If you have not already registered, please visit our Jigsaw Rewards website and sign up today!