
Jigsaw Rewards members feedback on Resident Involvement Strategy

Jigsaw Homes Group has developed a new draft Resident Involvement Strategy to explain how our residents can get involved with the Group. There are various involvement options available to residents.  Having our tenants’ views on the proposed strategy is important to us to ensure that resident involvement works for everybody.

Jigsaw Rewards members overwhelmingly supported the strategy. 95% of those responding to the survey stating that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the involvement activities described within it. The responses to this question are as below:

How satisfied are you with the range of involvement activities described in the draft strategy?

Very satisfied: 46%                     Satisfied: 49%                 Dissatisfied: 3%               Very Dissatisfied: 2%  

Other findings included that awareness of Neighbourhood Plans and Engagement were relatively low -just over a quarter of members were familiar with each of these services.

Jigsaw Group used the feedback from the survey to identify the following outcomes:

  • 95% of residents are satisfied with the resident involvement options available to them in the strategy, so we will be taking the strategy forward. We have also made some additions to the strategy based on the Jigsaw Rewards members’ feedback
  • We have added into the strategy additional information about how feedback is gathered to inform the content of the Neighbourhood Plans
  • There is now more information about how feedback is given to residents and how their feedback has influenced or changed our service delivery
  • The complaints process and where to find more information about that service is now more detailed.

Jigsaw Rewards is also available to residents via postal surveys. We we can support people with signing up, either through the post or online, if they require assistance.

Thanks to everyone who gave their feedback. Please look out for further surveys to help us know what you what us to focus on. If you would like to take part in surveys like this, join Jigsaw Rewards today!