
Tenants’ Annual Report 2019

Following from the publication of our Financial Statements for 2018/19, we pulled together some of the key highlights during the year along with our performance and customer satisfaction with our services in the form of a tenants’ annual report.  Our Tenants’ Annual Report 2019 gives you a concise look at our performance for the period ending 31 March 2019.

To help shape the content of this annual report, we asked our tenants through Jigsaw Rewards to let us know exactly the kind of information they would like to see included.  We also consulted on how we should make our annual report available with the majority of Jigsaw Rewards participants in support of having the report published online and communicated by email and social media.

The report covers our three year Neighbourhood Plans which launched in April 2019 across the Group. The plans measure specific themes around money management, demand, property condition, neighbourhood experience and community insight.

There is also an update about our Neighbourhood Safety team and how we deal with issues around anti-social behaviour and safeguarding cases.

You can also find out more information about the new  Jigsaw Foundation and how our Jigsaw Rewards tenants have decided to fund community projects that benefit our communities across all areas.

Developing new homes remains key for the group and during 2018/19 we developed 556 new homes for affordable housing, delivered across 13 local authorities.

At the same time, the Group invested £20 million in improving homes across New Charter Homes, Adactus Housing Association and Gedling Homes.

Read about this and much more here.