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At Jigsaw Homes Group we take pride in our neighbourhoods and want to work with residents and partner agencies to achieve our mission of ‘Creating homes. Building lives.’

This plan identifies data for the area of Smallshaw, Ashton on Employment, Financial Wellbeing and Health and Wellbeing and steers how Jigsaw Homes works to improve on these themes to make this neighbourhood a great place to live. We’ve been using neighbourhood plans across the Group for a number of years, helping us to target resources and carry out work in areas most in need.  This plan will be reviewed and updated quarterly.

Neighbourhood Profile information

The neighbourhood contains:

727 Jigsaw Homes properties

This includes:

  • 1 bungalow
  • 513 houses
  • 205 flats
  • 8 bedsitters
How well is your neighbourhood performing?

We have identified a range of indicators that tell us how your neighbourhood is performing in relation to:

  • Employment, Skills and Training
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Financial Wellbeing.

Below is a breakdown of the indicators and projects and services that Jigsaw are delivering or supporting to help improve performance.

Employment, Skills and Training

Within the theme of Employment, Skills and Training the neighbourhood performs average when compared with other areas locally.

6% of people are receiving either Jobseekers allowance or Universal Credit

51% of people are in employment

26% of people have no academic or vocational qualifications


Jigsaw projects and services

  • JET run a drop-in work club (Jigsaw Employment and Training Club) Thursday 1pm till 3pm (term time only)  Venue – Oasis Broadoak Community Hub, on Oasis Broadoak Academy school grounds. Entrance is behind Broadoak Community Centre
  • Oasis Community Broadoak run a number of weekly sessions including Crafty Talkers, toddler tots and much more. Information on the sessions and the timetable can be found on their Facebook page @ Oasis Broadoak Community Hub
  • JET (Jigsaw Employment Team) offers a free employment support service available to all residents. We offer support with job searching, applications, CV’s, preparing for interview and business start-up support.
  • We offer a range of free training courses including: – digital skills, first aid, food hygiene and business start-up.

To contact JET or find out more please click here>>

Health and wellbeing

The neighbourhood performs average when compared with other areas locally in relation to health deprivation.

4% of people receive incapacity benefit as a result of mental health related conditions.

15% of people receive a Personal Payment Allowance to support extra costs of living with a long term illness or disability.

4101 on the Health Deprivation and Disability Rank (with 1 being the most deprived area in the UK)

72% of people take part in a sport or physical activity at least twice a month

  • With our Partners We deliver a wide range of Health and Wellbeing projects including cooking classes, exercise classes, walking groups, memory cafes, growing projects and art project
  • To find out more about Health and Well being projects in your neighbourhood please contact our neighbourhood engagement team by email or by calling 0300 0111144.
Financial wellbeing

The neighbourhood performs average in relation to financial welfare.

Within the theme of financial wellbeing the neighbourhood performs above average when compared with other areas locally.

27% of children aged 0-20 are considered to be living in poverty

23% of pensioners are considered to be living in poverty

The area is ranked 5119 on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (with 1 being the most deprived area in the UK)


Jigsaw projects and services

  • School holiday fun and food activities. We recognise that school holidays can be a difficult time for families and so we run extra activities during these times. Look out for times and dates on Smallshaw Tenants and Residents – STAR  Facebook page at Sessions run from Broadoak Community Centre, 160 Broadoak Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 8RS
  • Jigsaws offer a free energy advice service for tenants. We can arrange a home visit with one of our trained advisors who can help you understand your bills and tariff, support you to switch, help clear debt, show you how to use your heating controls effectively and offer tips on how to reduce your energy usage. Click here for more information or to make an appointment Link to energy advice page.
  • Jigsaw offers a free Money Advice Service. We have a range of tools and resources to help you manage your money and to maximise your income. Click here for more information or to make an appointment Link to Money Advice.
  • We have pulled together a wider range of information and useful links to services that can offer support with the rising cost of living. Click here to here to find out more Link to Cost of Living Page.
How can you help?
  • Let us know when things don’t look great.
  • Tell us about environmental improvements needed, abandoned cars or any safety matters.
  • Inform us of  antisocial behaviour.
    For more information on our approach to tackling antisocial behaviour, click here>>
  • Report repair issues quickly.
    Reporting repairs>>

You can do this by calling 0300 011 1144 or email 
(Please note that for Emergency Repairs, you still need to call us).

Be a great neighbour – top tips.
  • Introduce yourself to your neighbours and consider your neighbours’ lifestyles
  • Be aware of the noise you create in your own home, particularly in buildings with communal entrances
  • Be mindful of where you park and be considerate of others
  • Maintain your garden and keep your communal areas free of items
  • Put your bins out on the right night and bring them in again once collected, use bin stores correctly
  • Keep an eye on your neighbour’s property
Get involved

We encourage residents to get involved in improving and shaping our performance and the standard of our services.  We understand that not everyone wants the same level of involvement, so we offer a range of ways to get involved.

Jigsaw Rewards

Jigsaw Rewards is an exciting opportunity for you to give your feedback online by completing surveys and consultations on our services which can be exchanged for gift vouchers or credits on your rent account.

Just visit and enter your surname, payment reference number or tenancy reference number and tell us which areas of the business you are interested in.

If you want to be more involved you can be part of our scrutiny panel to discuss critical areas of our business and make recommendations which are presented to our board. The scrutiny panels run twice annually and if you do take part you will be rewarded £50 in shopping vouchers or rent credits.

We want to hear your ideas for improving your neighbourhood and help you to make this happen. Our Neighbourhood Engagement team will support you to do this wherever possible so please get in touch if you have any ideas on how to improve your neighbourhood by emailing or by calling 0300 0111144

Jigsaw Foundation

The Jigsaw Foundation offers funds for local projects which make a difference to the lives of our residents and their communities.  The fund is open to charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and local partner agencies.

For more information please visit

Help with money and the cost of living

If you need a bit of advice or extra guidance to help maximise your income, manage money and tackle the rising cost of living, we are here to help.

We have pulled together important information and useful links to services available to support you in whatever area of life you might need an extra helping hand.

Click here to find out more>>

Our experienced Money Advice team is on hand to provide free and impartial advice.  

Energy Advice

Jigsaw offer a free energy advice service which may help you to heat your home more affordably. Our team can help you with:

  • General energy saving tips to reduce your bills
  • Advice and guidance on setting your heating controls and times
  • Support with switching your energy supplier and comparing energy tariffs
  • Tips on reducing mould and condensation
  • Referrals to WISE, the free energy and money saving service
  • And much more.

Click here to find out more about Energy Advice>>

A few simple steps could help you run your home for less as well as produce fewer harmful CO2 emissions.

Click here to view and/or download our handy energy advice guide >>

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