Rechargeable repairs

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The tenant is responsible for any works as a result of negligence or not attributed to general wear and tear and will normally be charged for the cost of the work. In the case of accidental damage, Jigsaw will consider the circumstance in deciding the level of charge that is appropriate.

When a tenant reports a repair, our trained staff will use appropriate diagnosis to determine whether or not the repair has been caused as a result of tenant damage or negligence. If a repair is deemed rechargeable, the tenant will be expected to pay a minimum of 30% of the recharge cost upfront and prior to the repair being authorised. If a potential recharge situation poses an immediate risk to the tenant, general public or building structure, Jigsaw will undertake the repair within our specified timescale and regardless of whether the minimum recharge cost is paid upfront.

Jigsaw will not attend to a rechargeable repair of a routine nature if the tenant refuses to pay the minimum recharge deposit. If the repair has been reported in a misleading way to generate an emergency response, if it is deemed a routine repair, the repair will be categorised correctly and booked back in.  The tenant may be recharged for the 1st aborted visit.

*PLEASE NOTE: Missed appointments may be re-chargeable.

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